A construction site area is a continuously changing workplace with continuously changing hazards and risks. Keeping everyone safe requires the ability and commitment to not only respond to those changing conditions, but to proactively identify potential risks and actively work to eliminate or control them. It is a journey, not a destination. At SHGS we recognize that the creation of a workplace culture in which we are all committed to ensuring that everyone goes home safely It is how we work.

The term Safe Production embodies this approach and reflects our belief that worker safety and effective production are complementary rather than competing means to achieving and sustaining a positive work environment and successful business outcomes from which we all benefit. It’s not always easy. Ours is an industry in which issues and conditions arise daily that may tempt us to focus on one aspect of the business to the detriment of the other. Expediency, like complacency, can lead to decisions that prove detrimental to both worker safety and operational effectiveness.



Safe Production is made easier however, when we work together as a team, thinking about not only ourselves, but our co-workers, our families, friends, and everyone else that would be impacted by a serious workplace injury, as well as the impact of that upon our business. Workplace safety is truly a case where an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. I am incredibly proud of the commitment and effort I see towards safe production every day at SH General Services. It is reflected in our safety performance, in the well-deserved reputation we have earned among our clients and contractors, and in the sense of family that exists among SHGS employees despite our significant growth over the-years.

It is a proud legacy that we are committed to nurturing and sustaining so that Safety Leadership, Built by SHGS continues to be recognized across our industry as not just a tagline, but a proud testament to who we are.


Suzi Anak Kendawang
