
SHGS establish this Quality Policies to ensure success in all of the projects undertaken by the company.

We shall deliver of Quality Reinstatement that fulfill all of project requirements, by the application of our wide range of expertise and genius product.


We in good manner to establish ourselves as an Organization that will prompt customers to view us as their preferred contractor when they need new or advance technical challenge


In our core business in Oil & Gas, Power Generation – Renewable Energy, Marine and general industrial are accurately assessing risk and opportunity we shall aim to functions as a global contractor by further strengthening our project execution competence, pursuing technological advantages and expending our business.


We shall deliver our services using competent, skilled, experienced, environmental and safety-conscious Team Leaders, Operatives and Employees to the correct client at the correct location and on time, fulfill our contractual obligations, meet Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) requirements and Electricity Association Standards, Relevant Regulations and Statutes, and, exceed our Client/Customer Expectations by continually improving our approach and processes.


SHGS is committed to ensuring compliance with applicable statutory/legal requirements relating to our business activities and with other requirements to which our organization subscribes.  This policy shall be used to provide a framework for establishing and reviewing our objectives.  Objectives and targets are set during annual business planning and reviewed regularly at management reviews, annual objective working parties and supervisors meetings. 


This policy shall be communicated, understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of SH General Services. The Managing Director has the responsibility for ensuring this and is supported by the senior staffs.  In order to promote the adoption and implementation of the policy, all Staffs, Team Leaders, Operatives and Employees shall be encouraged to understand and discharge their individual responsibilities to a degree necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Quality Management System.  Directors, Managers, Supervisors, Staff, Team Leaders, Operatives and Employees are responsible for ensuring that the quality of their own work meets the appropriate standards.  The Policy shall be communicated to all Managers, Supervisors, Staff, Team Leaders, Operatives and Employees as part of their induction.  Copies of the Policy shall also be displayed within the company.  The Director shall ensure that everyone within the organization is conversant with the Quality Policy and Objectives. This policy shall be reviewed periodically and at least annually by members of the board of directors in order to ensure that it is current, suitable and relevant to the company’s business activities.


Suzi Anak Kendawang
